Community Events

July 27th Muskegon Heights City Council

By:Emily Guiles

On July 27th Muskegon Heights City Council meeting took place and there was no old business to discuss but plenty of new business.

To start with there was a recommendation from the committee of the whole that council amend the zoning ordinance to remove medical marijuana dispensaries as a special land use permitted in C-4 districts and to allow them in the overlay district as presented with a special use permit. There was a motion by councilwoman McGlothin and support by councilwoman Sims to approve the recommendation which was carried by the whole council.

In other business it was approved to appoint Rhonda Aubrey to the Muskegon Heights Planning Commission, and approve five hundred dollar permit fee waiver for Dwelling Place (Roosevelt Apartments), dependent on their award of additional grant funding for project.

From the floor there was a concerned citizen who wants notifications sent to members of the community to clean their gutters on a regular basis. Along with this concerned citizen there were multiple complaints about the state of multiple lots on German street. The neighbors of these lots are concerned due to the grass seldom being cut, councilwoman McGlothin has seen the lot in question and agrees that further action should be taken.

Also in an alley across from German street a woman reported furniture being burned and trash being dumped on the property repeatedly.

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